In "Brief Answers to Big Questions," Stephen Hawking, renowned physicist, cosmologist, and author, provides concise yet profound insights into some of the most fundamental inquiries of existence. Covering topics ranging...
"Introduction to High Energy Physics" by Donald H. Perkins, now in its 4th edition, stands as a comprehensive guide to the fundamental principles and cutting-edge developments in this dynamic field...
Modern Physics for B.Sc. (Part II) by Prof. Muhammad Iqbal and Ali Bin Wali is a comprehensive textbook tailored for undergraduate students in Punjab's universities. This edition focuses on the...
Relativity & Cosmology (With More than 500 Solved examples and Problems) by Muhammad Bani Amin -ILMIFor Students of B.S. Physics M.Sc. Physics M.Sc. Math M.Sc. Electronics B.S. Engineering Graduate Students...